[QUESTION_1] How do you feel today? (1) Good -> END (2) I’ve felt better [QUESTION_2] Have you had any of the following symptoms? [13] runny nose -> DECON1 [14] headache -> PAIN_REL1 [15] fever -> TEMP < -> END > [DECON1] Are you taking a decongestant? (1) Yes -> DECON2 (0) No [DECON2] What brand of decongestant are you using? |__| [PAIN_REL1] Are you taking Tylenol? (1) Yes -> PAIN_REL2 (0) No [PAIN_REL2] How many milligrams of Tylenol are you taking? |__|__| mg [TEMP] What is your temperature in degrees |__|__|min=90 max=120|° [END] Thank you for taking the time to respond to this survey.